Autumn in North Karelia

Nature is turning into autumn colors, fresh wind blows smoothly and stars together with northern lights appear on the sky. Spend a relaxing cottage holiday by the lake and live like locals while fishing, picking berries and mushrooms. Explore all four National Parks and enjoy pure nature in other hiking destinations around North Karelia. Several biking trails provides also lot to see right from heart beat of city center. To get right into Finnish mood, we recommend you to try Finnish sauna and after that taste local delicacies with authentic flavors.

Enjoy your stay in Lakeland Finland!

A couple spending cozy time in a cottage

Cottage Holidays by the Lake

Would you like to stay like a local and to get the most out of North Karelia? Then cottage holiday might be the right choice for you! Spend cozy nights by the log-fire, pick berries and mushrooms from the forest and enjoy tranquility and starry nights without rush.

We have cottages both in the middle of nature and right next  to city center and services. Read more about the destinations and pick the one that suits you the best.

Read more about cottage holidays

Two hikers walking on Koli hills

Four National Parks and Other Nature Destinations

In North Karelia we have four national parks all of them having unique features. Koli National Park is our national landscape and the must see destination here. Patvinsuo National Park has long white beaches, endless swamp areas and possibility to see wild animals like bears and wolverines. Petkeljärvi is the smallest National Park in Finland and has several paths between clear lakes and hills. Kolovesi National Park is a paradise especially for paddlers.

In addition, in North Karelia you will find several other nature destinations, which are suitable both for biking and hiking. Discover the most beautiful paths and enjoy the pure nature with all your senses.

Four unique national parks

Find more hiking destinations

Kaksi pyöräilijää metsäpolulla lammen rannalla

Biking Trails

You can jump on the path right from the train! In Joensuu region is over 200 km paths both for biking and hiking. This path network consists of four different route entities, which are Lykynlampi Trails, Kontionpolut Trails, Kinttupolut Trails and Harjupolut Trails. In addition, the Karhunpolku mountain bike trail provides challenges and unique views via 140 km long route.

Consider also biking tours with accommodation in cozy guesthouses and local flavors after the trip. For example, cycling route over the Lake Pielinen is recommendable if you want to get deeper into Finnish lifestyle and Lakeland Finland.

Get on bike in North Karelia

Couple relaxing in sauna

Finnish Sauna

To get really into the Finnish culture and our mentality, it is recommendable to try Finnish sauna at least once in your lifetime. Together the heat, humid air and tranquility are the key components for perfect relaxation. If you are brave enough, you might also try ice swimming when it gets colder outside.

Experience Finnish sauna

Nainen meditoimassa laiturilla

Book activities online

Would you like to pick Finnish berries or mushrooms, go to National Parks with local guide or try fishing on pure lakes? Explore the Finnish Lakeland by doing and discover all the cultural and natural hidden gems.

For example, a Karelian sauna tour is made for you, who wants to just relax and chill. Take also tips for self-driving tours in North Karelia. Tours include e.g. accommodation, meals and entrances to museums and other destinations.

Book activities online

Karjalanpiirakoita ja syksyisiä sävyjä

Local flavors

Karelian food culture has strong roots and is known of pure natural and authentic flavors. If you have not tasted yet Karelian flavors, you should give a try at least for Karelian pies and local berry wines when you are in North Karelia. Familiarize yourself also with Karelia à la Carte, which is a sign of high quality and local flavours

Taste local delicacies